Akad Leadership Development  

The AKAD leadership development Growth model is best described by the “Hersey-Blanchard Model of Leadership”

The Mentor first determines the leadership maturity level of potential mentees in relation to the specific mentee assigned tasks  – as reflected in follow up essays from case study activities. As the level of mentee maturity increases, the mentor reduces his or her task behaviour and increases relationship behaviour until mentees reach a moderate level of maturity.  The three things looked at are;

  • Task behaviour; 
  • Relationship behaviour; 
  • Maturity;

The readiness or developmental level of the mentees grows from Directing to Delegating as below; 

  1. Directing: Mentor provides clear instructions and specific direction, especially at a low mentee readiness level.
  2. Coaching: Mentor encourages two-way communication that builds confidence and motivation, although the mentor still has responsibility and controls decision making at a moderate mentee readiness level.
  3. Supporting: Mentor and mentees share decision making; no longer need or expect the relationship to be directive for a moderate mentee readiness level.
  4. Delegating: For Mentees ready to accomplish particular tasks, competent and motivated to take full responsibility for the higher mentee readiness level.

It is through this leadership training process that mentees appreciate various leadership models; Great Man, Trait, Behaviorist, Situational, Contingency, Transactional and Transformational leadership models. 

Mentees have varying degrees of maturity, depending on specific tasks, function, or objectives the mentor attempts to accomplish through their efforts. Maturity occurs when the mentee willingness and ability to take responsibility for directing his or her own direction is proved over and over

This is what creates opportunities for current Academic and future Career success. Mr. Michael Mutie in these pictures is an example of a youth that has successfully transitioned through the above stages, and is currently admitted to the African Leadership University (ALU) in Mauritius on full scholarship. 

As a first step in Leadership Development, we encourage our youth to do the online leadership course below. 




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