School Seminars - Academic & Careers Success; BELLEVUE SCHOOL
August 2014 This event has ended
This event was tailor made for Bellevue School, Primary School Students, classes 5 - 8 with attendance scholarships awarded to top students in each class as in the table below
The Three main themes of this training were;
- Knowing yourself,
- Confidence building
- Academic, Educational & Career Success
Experiential training through;
- Dividing students into 3 Cohorts
- Dividing into smaller groups of maximum 20 within each cohort
- Each Cohort goes through the scheduled activity covering the above theme
- Within the 3 days, every student participates in all scheduled activity
- Debriefing at the end activity with data of main take home student lessons
Photos of this event above are available by clicking on the links below

Most confident Bellevue School student David Mwendwar with Janet Mbugua and Hussein Mohammed on Citizen TV with his father, following the Careers Success Seminar held at Bellevue School. Confidence building at it's best!!!

Janet Mbugua, hosting Bellevue student and parent on her Citizen TV show
Top Boy |
Marks |
Top Girl |
Marks |
Std 8 |
Derrick Ndiku Mbingu |
426.2 |
Sheena Kaute Kilavi |
432.8 |
Std 7 |
Abubakar Zacharia Bakari |
427.1 |
Debby Wangui Kihara |
419.8 |
Std 6 |
David Mulinge Kioko |
423.1 |
Alma Rose Njeri Muthike |
424.7 |
Std 5 |
Rindirisia Okoba Wangira |
453.9 |
Purity Mueni Mwangangi |
453.1 |
Akad Mentorship Success Model
The Akad Education Group – Africa’s model is based on molding aspirations.
Research shows that low aspirations are an obstacle to long-term upward mobility - even when resources given (E. Duflo, P. Dupas & M. Kremer, 2012). Aspirations can be shaped through social interactions with successful peers and members of one’s community.
Learning about positive experiences of others in the community help change aspirations and, in turn, induce greater investments in education and income generating activities.
Our events include active student participation through robust question and answer sessions moderated by Dr. Weche and other professionals, with follow up networking, tours, Job Shadowing. We specifically tailor make the events to meet the expressed needs of the audience, based on their age; working with upper primary, high school and college youth and working class adults.
Our Faclitators
Peer mentors include George Gathiani of Alliance High School 2013 (scored a clean “A”) and has often participated on Citizen TV’s “Monday Special” program with TV anchors Janet Mbugua and Hussein Mohamed, and been a radio co-presenter on the John Kago show, KBC English Service 95.6 FM. George is currently admitted to the Washington University in St. Louis, USA on full scholarship.

Critical Thinking Competitive Activities - building a tower

This the Swahili word for SHINE and our mission is to make teenagers and young adults shine through our personal development program focusing on life and career coaching. We focus on discovering passion and developing key skills through experiential learning as webest prepare teens for their career and life success.
Careers take up over 80% of our life and we spend the better part of our early years in life preparing for careers. Interesting statistics show that close to 80% of the working class are frustrated at their work, and at Angaza we aim at reversing this statistic as we believe that passion bring fulfillment and contentment in any endeavor.
Out-door experiential learning provide a fun learning environment where the teens can discover:
- What they ENJOY and LOVE
- What skills they EXCEL in
- What competences will make then SHINE
Angaza school coaching programJan – April 2014
This serves to confirm that Angaza Life and Career Coaching have been having the Angaza Life Coaching program with our class 7 and 8 pupils.
Out of their interaction with our pupils we have found Coach Mercy and Coach Jacky to be mature and knowledgeable in the way they carry themselves and deal with the pupils. Our children have benefited immensely from the coaching program and always look forward for the next session.
Our pupils have gained confidence and become focused in their studies. Their work output has thus improved. As a parent in class 7, I have seen great improvement in my daughter not only in school work but also at home too. I do not hesitate to recommend Direzione Life Coaching (DLC) program to whoever wishes to see real change in their children. Sarah W. Kinyanjui, Head of Schoo, Muguga Heritage School- Limuru. Email:
‘…I am happy with the Angaza program and I have seen an improvement in the pupils and performance in my subject (Social Studies) has improved…’ Teacher Angela, Muguga Heritage School- Limuru
‘…The program has made our pupils more motivated and I have seen a positive change in attitude and improvement in their performance…’ Teacher Njeru, Muguga Heritage School- Limuru
‘…My daughter is more pleasant to deal with and I am having an easier time doing homework with her as her attitude towards study has improved and she listens to instructions …’ Mrs. Kinyanjui, Muguga Heritage School- Limuru
31st January 2014 : “……on responsibility I purposed to be more in charge of my academic performance now that I have completed my primary education. I also learnt the importance of always having a positive attitude towards all teachers and subjects……The topic on careers was an eye opener regarding the career that I want to pursue. I realized that this will be determined by the subjects I pursue in High School and later on in the university…” Ashley, Student Moi Girls
”….the sessions were good and I know that my performance in some subjects will determine the course I want to pursue in future …….My negative attitude in Kiswahili will have to change in order for me to get good grades to enable me to pursue my dream of being a journalist…” Faith, Student St. Christine Academy, Machakos
STEPping out 1- coaching program 20th - 22nd January, 2014; “…I learnt that having the right attitude will take me far and if I have the wrong attitude I will not progress. What inspired me most during the 3 days was: the clip on Ben Carson, topics on attitude, area of control and no control, great quotes like fake it till you make it... I really had fun, benefited a lot and hope to be with you guys again. Thanks a lot guys. You rocked my holiday had aloooot of fun, learnt new things and I am going to definitely teach others...” Maina Sharon, Student Kahuhia Girls, Murang’a
“…My greatest lesson was determining my learning style, how I should use and where I will apply it… All days sessions inspired me because the daily lessons taught covered different areas. The daily quotes emphasized the day’s topics. Some quotes that were really encouraging include; fake it till you make it, knowledge is power, Change what you can and accept what you cannot change…. Thank you coach Jacky and coach Mercy for the daily activities which were fun, fun, fun. Wow! Congrats. UR PERFECT GUYS! Continue with the same…” Joy Gathoni, Student Kyeni Girls High School, Embu

Swimming pool teambuilding and learning games

Happy students enjoying the lunch hour

Jabari Smith, from New Orleans, USA - motivational speaker

Happy students during pool based activities
AKAD Mentorship Success Model
The Akad Education Group – Africa’s model is based on molding aspirations.
Research shows that low aspirations are an obstacle to long-term upward mobility - even when resources given (E. Duflo, P. Dupas & M. Kremer, 2012). Aspirations can be shaped through social interactions with successful peers and members of one’s community.
Learning about positive experiences of others in the community help change aspirations and, in turn, induce greater investments in education and income generating activities.
Our events include active student participation through robust question and answer sessions moderated by Dr. Weche and other professionals, with follow up networking, tours, Job Shadowing. We specifically tailor make the events to meet the expressed needs of the audience, based on their age; working with upper primary, high school and college youth and working class adults.
Career Coaching: Jacky’s unique experiences, training and gifts mean that she can address both the personal and professional challenges in life. "I discovered I needed a whole new approach with my job search and my definition of career success". Jacky as a career coach, saw I needed fine-tuning and constructed a process that yielded immediate, concrete success - a job where I apply my interests and talents daily. I continue to rely on her wise counsel. I am now aware what path I want to pursue, I know my skills and professional worth.” Doreen Gathoni, Equity Bank

Critical Thinking Activities - Building a tower

Lunch is served

Peer Mentor Brian receives a business card!

Father of Bellevue student on national TV

Adult facilitators of the program: Mercy, Hayter and Rev. Dr. Weche

Peer Mentees, George and Brian with Rev. Dr. Julius Weche
Top Bellevue School Students Receiving Sponsorship
The AIM of offering top students scholarship to this event is based on Celebrating & Rewarding them, and help create an environment of positive motivation & positive peer pressure for leadership in Academic & Educational Excellence!
The list below is of the top boy and top girl in each of the classes, std 5 to std 8, who out of severnty (70) students have been at the top of the class. We are therefore pleased to offer them FREE sponsorship to the three day event;
Brian Ngugi, formerly of Lenana School and Africa Leadership Academy in South Africa, admitted to Jacobs University, Germany with Rev. Dr. J. Weche