Internship & other opportunities

The following are a list of opportunities that are available for internships and other work shadowing opportunities.

We encourage those interested to communicate directly with the advertisers


Why internships?

  • Internships offer valuable work experience, a chance to get some excellent references, and potentially even a full-time job offer
  • Internships are a way to get the relevant work experience that employers value when interviewing applicants for open positions.
  • There are as many internship opportunities as there are careers so the key to finding a good internship requires students to do a thorough self-assessment to understand the type of internship they want.
  • Internships provide a link between academic learning and professional employment. The offer a way to learn valuable knowledge and skills as well as making important professional connections.
  • Internships teach students more about the career field they are hoping to one day enter and offer them hands-on experience and exposure to the field.
  • The value of an internship includes learning the valuable skills it take to be successful on the job. Internships also help assess different work environments that help identify jobs you want to do as well as those you don't.

[YP_Ke] Looking for marketing intern
Wendy <>
To:youngprofessionals_ke <>

Dear YPs,

Speak to Africa is looking for a marketing intern. Preferably someone in their 3rd or final year focusing in Marketing. Applications to be sent to by close of business 18th February 2011.


Wendy Gaya
Executive Director
Speak to Africa
P.O. Box 69806
00400 Nairobi

Cell: 0724 233 109