
The most common questions asked of AKAD by potential mentees are;

  • How do I get to know about AKAD events?
  • How do we get to particpiate in AKAD events?

Over the last 6 years, our first contact has been through schools & university presentations,  Website, Facebook, Twitter and regular appearance in the media; Television, Radio and press.

We are therefore pleased to offer packages for individual communication regarding opportunities for strategic success in national examinations (e.g. KCPE & KCSE in Kenya), admission and possible scholarships to top world class universities at undergraduate & post-graduate level.

We are available for a one or two hour consultation in Nairobi, Kenya on the best way to engage. Time is money, and we are therefore available at these rates;

  • 1st  Hour consultation: Ksh 2,500/-
  • 2nd Hour consultation: Ksh 1,000/-
Kindly call 0720 743 674

Real examples of value addition include our recent visit to HEC Paris, France - the No. 1 MBA university in Europe (founded in 1881). Through this, we currently have an opportunity for four (4) African student admissions (with scholarship) as their Africa representatives. Details of this and other opportunities will be exclusively made to our members for us to strategically work together for their success.




Planning for Academic & Career success is like going on a long lifelong journey. You can either:

  • Hire someone who is trained and able to take you on an extensive tour with in depth explanations, lots of help, and efficient routes, 
  • or
  • Have a friend or family member show you the way for free, who knows the way well enough and will get you to where you need to be, but won’t be able to provide extra assistance or show you the most efficient routes.

Our experience is that most average people prefer option (2) above. These are the very well meaning persons that engage us in endless discussion, getting as much information as they can, but never avail their students, youth or children to our events and services.

We are pleased to create opportunities for option (1) above, to those willing, able and serious to take charge of new and emerging opportunities coming their way. 

If you would like to join us in your journey for academic and careers success, kindly consider membership with its benefits as per the table below;



Package Benefits

1. Bronze (Entry)

  1. Information on AKAD activities & events by Email, What’sApp or Text
  2. Bi-monthly motivational live case studies, emailed
Cos, Kenya shillings
  1 month student school holiday @ 500/-
  Annual cost per annum @ 350/- per month = 4,200/- per year

2. Silver (Basic)

  1. Bronze package above
  2. Invitations to Public Speaking events; schools, etc.
  3. Reference preparation for admission process
  4. Invitation & Consideration for Local Partner events;
  •  Public Image Inc. for public speaking, etiquette, confidence building
  •  Jebii Kilimo Foundation with partner organisations in Peace building, Gender, etc.
  •  One Kenya Foundation for Leadership Development
  • with live case studies for business success
  •  Kingdom Business Network
Cost, Kenya shillings
  1 month school holiday @ Ksh 1,500/-
  Annual cost per annum @ 750/- per month = 9,000/- per year

3. Gold (Advanced)

  1. Silver package as above, to also include;
  2. Peer Mentorship interactions
  3. Individualised Job Shadowing Opportunities
  4. Invitation to International Collaboration events that include, but not limited to;
  • Africa 2.0 - Senegal, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda, South Africa
  • Mo Ibrahim Foundation collaboration with Africa 2.0
  • MBA admission events, e.g. HEC Paris                                                                                                          
  • Africa Business Club, Admission events, USA; These include;  Harvard Business School &  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Cost, Kenya shillings
  1 month school holiday @ Ksh 3,000/-
  Annual cost per annum @ 1,500/- per month = 18,000/- per year

4. Platinum (Premium)

  1. Gold package as above, to also include
  2. Individualised mentorship, Strategic preparation for top academic institution admission
  3. Scholarship opportunities as these arise
  4. Akad International collaboration for overseas universities
  5. Discounted AKAD seminar events
  6. Discounted Gap Year Mentorship program
  7. Discounted Personalised Leadership Development Program
  8. Essay writing strategic support for AKAD events
  9. Media events; Radio, TV, Press, etc.
  10.  SKYPE mentorship discussions for distant participants
  11.  Collaboration with international admission officers
  12. Option of Educational Tours; locally, regionally and internationally (at cost)
  On Application only. Email

NB: Benefits are subject to change; kindly confirm in advance the benefits you choose to pursue


Application Form

Consultation required?

Client's Current Academic Level


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