Peace-building & Dispute Resolution


Peacebuilding initiatives

Our peacebuilding are through meetings with school students. This initiative is spearheaded by Hon. Dr. Linah Jebii Kilimo, EGH, Ph.D in the Elgeyo Marakwet region, Marakwet East constituency of Kenya

Hon. Dr. Kilimo is currently the Member of Parliament for Marakwet East constituency and Assistant Minister for Cooperative Development in the Kenya Government. She is also the Chairperson of the Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KEWOPA). She has previously served as the Minister of State, Office of the President (2003 to 2004) and as Minister of Immigration (2004 to 2005).

As a Peace-maker, Hon Kilimo has been instrumental in bringing lasting peace between the Pokots and Marakwet communities as the previous KANU government failed maintain peace despite the presence of the Army, Police and Paramilitary police units. Peace was achieved after her election in the NARC Government in December 2002, with the two communities now living in peace and harmony. She has been recognized by the California Legislative Assembly and the City of Lancaster for her work.

Through Dr. Kilimo, we are currently spearheading student exchange programs between communities that live with conflict. Our aim is to influence student leaders through exchange programs with schools in "enemy" territories; getting to see the human face of each community, establishing friendships and relationships. We further challenge these students by having them visit within the region - specifically Rwanda - which has experienced genocide, and recently celebrated 18 years since the 1994 genocide. The experience of visiting the genocide memorial and forming friendships and relationships with Rwandese students is a strong lesson for peace - which the student leaders are able to then pass on to their peers, families and communities.

Pilot Initatives

Our Pilot Initatives are with the following schools;

1.    St. Paul’s Kapkondot Girls Secondary School – Girls Boarding
2.     Kerio Valley Secondary School – Boys Boarding
3.     Liter Girls Secondary School – Girls Boarding
4.     Tot Mixed
5.     Kabiego Mixed Secondary School
6.     Sambirir Girls Secondary School  – Girls Boarding
7.      St. Michael’s Secondary School – Embobut - Mixed Boarding

Secondary Schools Engagement

Our Pilot Initatives are with the following schools;

1.    St. Paul’s Kapkondot Girls Secondary School – Girls Boarding
2.     Kerio Valley Secondary School – Boys Boarding
3.     Liter Girls Secondary School – Girls Boarding
4.     Tot Mixed
5.     Kabiego Mixed Secondary School
6.     Sambirir Girls Secondary School  – Girls Boarding
7.      St. Michael’s Secondary School – Embobut - Mixed Boarding




Peace-building training

Our peace-building training is through providing tools for Conflict Management; strategies for dealing with tough topics & interpersonal conflicts, based on an understanding of the 5 basic outlines, namely;

1. Historical Background
2. Escalation of conflict
3. Analysis of the conflict
4. Conflict settlement & intervention
5. Post Settlement Settlements

Teaching and training aims at raising awareness of approaches to conflict; introducing a range of theories about mediation and participatory processes to improve mediation skills of our students and participants. We do this through a variety of theories and approaches to pace-building; negotiation and mediation, improving negotiation skills by emphasizing theoretical and experiential learning. Experiential learning is through simulations that are designed to enhance skills with real opportunities to contextualise content to needs on the ground, especially based on Africa's history of conflict. The role-plays in negotiation and mediation apply lessons from theory to practice, backed by the facilitator’s experience.

With this in mind, participants can identify Primary Parties, Secondary Parties, Interested Parties; Background, Issues, Stages of negotiation, Stakeholder discussions, BATNA, WATNA, ZOPA, Negotiation settlement / Resolution attempts and Post Settlement Settlements. The strategies herein help disputants keep interest-based bargaining alive by emphasis on the following examples;

  • Knowing when to Negotiate or Litigate?
  • Dealing with difficult people
  • Creating value out of conflict

Our trainers combine research and theory and have great practical, field experience. They are drawn from academic faculty and active practitioners. The offered curriculum is interdisciplinary, combining concepts from law, business management, international relations, policy studies, sociology, psychology and organizational development

The training relies heavily on 'action learning' through real life situation role plays, as explained above in 'why travel to Harvard Business School and Ivy League Universities'.

Our Dispute Resolution training is aimed at strengthening governance, democracy and social development. Our strategic partnerships include those working on;

  •  Strengthening local government and civil society
  •  Helping judiciaries become more effective and more transparent
  •  Promoting greater educational and economic opportunities.

These are specifically through
local and foreign Universities as well as associations, namely;

  • NGO’s and Development Agencies
  • Citizens Groups.

Benchmarking with other organisations; 



























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