Students: A Chance to "taste" at low cost

It is through attending our trainings and having one-on-one interaction opportunities with our panelists that students interested in seeking exposure, working experience and or internships in the above industries can have access to the same.

The greatest advantage of "Job Shadowing" for high school and college students is that this allows them an opportunity to look into those industries and professions - and decide in advance whether they like them or not - at very little cost!

Such students are still young enough to change their minds, without having invested vast sums in training in specialised industries, only later to discover that their aptitudes, passions, interests and calling lie elsewhere. 

An example of a profession that students can "taste" is Aviation, through our relationship with the Kenya Aeronautical College. Here students are able to have an "air experience", that is, fly for an hour with dedicated pilots and see if they really want to pursue a career in aviation. For more information, kindly click here.