Undugu Mentorship Initiative

The goal of student mentoring is to help students involved in the program to gain the skills and confidence to be responsible for their own future. We define Student mentoring as a one-to-one relationship between a student and an adult that occurs over a prolonged period of time. The mentor provides consistent support, guidance, and concrete help to a student who is in need of a positive role model. Students involved in the mentoring program may be going through a difficult and challenging situation, a period of life in which they need extra support.

Through the Undugu Mentorship programme, we seek to:

- Form partnerships with interest groups which include school administration, teachers, education officials, local leaders, Parents, student, religion groups, universities, college etc.

- Conduct school visits and hold talks with student on topical issues that affect the student fraternity.

- Holding seminar and forums to sensitize parents and local leaders on the importance of education.

- Educate and demonstrate to student the value of hard work and discipline in school.

- Invite professional speakers to address specific issues regarding topical issues affecting students.

- Introduce the aspect of entrepreneurship and sports as a career choice.

- Introduce in-built system of (students-teachers) mentor-mentee relationship groups.

- Distribute motivating literature to schools.

- Form a database of student and their career aspiration and allocate a mentor with that career inclination.

- Have specific day allocated for mentorship in every school at least once a term.

- Seek for scholarships/sponsorship for deserving needy student.

Our mission is to have every student have an external mentor. We adopt three styles of mentoring

Group Mentoring
More formal mentoring where a mentor discusses issues/problems/careers with a group of students who are at about the same level in experience and who have similar issues/problems careers to discuss.

Individual Mentoring
One on one mentoring situation where a mentor has a specific numbers of students (mentees) allocated to him/her. This is desired mentoring as the student is able to interact more with the mentor and have specific issues addressed.

Role Model Mentoring
This is often the form of mentoring that is envisaged. A successful person with experience gives support, guidance and help to a student who wishes to succeed in a similar or the same career. This relationship may go beyond the schooling years.