Education, Careers & Leadership Holiday Seminar

Akad Africa & Public Image Inc.

Day 1: Monday 10th December

  • Students encouraged to come with writing materials.
  • Students encouraged to record data using laptops, iPads, tablets, smart phones, cameras
  • Premises has Wi-Fi for online psychometric testing using MBTI for connected students
  • Lunch break optional game activities – basketball, swimming, etc subject to confirmation  


8.00 – 8.30am


Daily Registration


8.30am  - 9.00 am


Vision, Knowledge & Purpose

 Angela Gachui – Triple Bottom Line


9:00 – 10:30am


Personal Branding & Impression Management  

Derek Bbanga, Public Image Africa 


10:30 - 11:00 am

Tea Break 

11:00 am – 12:30 pm

  • Critical thinking
  •  Articulation skills
  •  Knowing myself – Personality typing MBTI

Prof K. Tirima, Inoorero University & Hope College USA


12:30 – 1:30 pm


1:30 – 2:00pm


Special Guest Speaker : TBA


 2:00 – 4:15 pm

  •   Time Management
  • Prioritizing, Personal goals
  • Memletics Learning Style Inventory
  • Preparing yourself for your career
  • ·Identifying your passion – Articulation & Communication

Prof K. Tirima – Inoorero  University & Hope College USA


 4:15 pm

Tea Break  

4:30 – 5:30 pm


Identifying & Applying to possible colleges & Universities

 Teddy Warria – Africa’s Talking 

 Dr. J. Weche  - Akad Education Group






Day 2: Tuesday 11th December

  •  Lunch break optional game activities – basketball, swimming, etc subject to confirmation  
  • Students bring their own lunch, or purchase snacks from the Braeside School canteen
  • Students encouraged to come with writing materials.
  • Premises has Wi-Fi: students encouraged to record data using laptops, iPads, tablets, smart phones, cameras and update via Social Media; Twitter, Facebook.


 8.00 – 8.30am


Daily Registration for day 2


8:30 – 9:00am


Leadership: How to deal with conflicts & Negotiation

Dr. J. Weche


9.00 – 10:30am


Public Image: Networking & Planning your educational journey

Derek Bbanga


10:30 - 11:00 am

Tea Break 

11:00 am – 12:30 pm


  Aptitude inventory & developing study skills to build aptitude – Cont.

  Prof K. Tirima – Inoorero University & Hope University USA


12:20 – 1:30pm


1:30 – 2.00pm


Special Guest Speaker: Identifying Career Options 

Teddy Warria – Africa’s Talking Ltd., Africa 2.0


2.00pm – 2.10pm


Introduction to Career Panels

Dr. J. Weche / Rev Marcy Muhia


2:10 – 3:45 pm


Careers Panels 1


3:45 – 4:15 pm

Afternoon tea

4:20 – 5:30pm


Students feedback session

Dr. J. Weche, Akad Africa  





Day 3: Thursday 13th December    


  • Students to come with SPORTS GEAR for the Sports Career practical section
  • Lunch break optional game activities – basketball, swimming, etc subject to confirmation  
  • Students bring their own lunch, or purchase snacks from the Braeside School canteen
  • Students encouraged to come with writing materials.
  • Premises has Wi-Fi: students encouraged to record data using laptops, iPads, tablets, smart phones, cameras and update via Social Media; Twitter, Facebook


  8.00 – 8.15am


Daily Registration Day 3


8.15 – 9:00am


Social Etiquette  

Derek Bbanga, Public Image Africa  


9:00 – 10:30am


Communication Skills: Presentation & Public Speaking   

 Derek Bbanga – Public Image Africa


10:30 - 11:00 am

Tea Break 

11.00 - 11.10am


Introduction to Career Panels  


11:10 am – 12:30 pm


Career Panels 2


12:30 – 1:30 pm


1-30 – 2.00pm


Special Guest Speaker

Lifeskills to succeed in your journey (Your money or your life)



2.00  - 2:30pm


Sports Event Marketing and Sponsorship Exploitation  -

Randi Wambui  /  Sheila Muriithi


Sports Recruiting & Talent Development

Steven Othoro

  1. Sports players – Athletes, etc
  2. Sports Trainers
  3. Sports Coaches
  4. Sports Marketing


2:30 – 4:00pm


Practicals: Talent Development session 1

  1. Soccer
  2. Basketball
  3. Volleyball



Afternoon Tea

4:20 – 5:30 pm


Students: Feedback session, Monitoring & Evaluation

   Dr. J. Weche  / Derek Bbanga




Day 4: Friday 14th December


  • Students to come in their BEST FORMAL WEAR



8:00 – 8:30am


Daily Registration – Day 4



8.30am  to 9:00am



Special Guest Speaker: Leadership, Democracy & Governance

Rachael Shebesh, MP (TBA)



9.00am  to10:30pm



 Image and Dress for the young professional;  Derek Bbanga – Public Image

  • Selecting colours & styles
  • Dressing for your body shape
  • Suitable attire for all occasions
  •  General grooming



10:30 – 11:00am


Tea Break



10.30am - 12.30pm


Dining and Social Etiquette -   Derek Bbanga – Public Image Africa

  • Table manners and table settings
  • Which cutlery to use
  • Eating decorum
  • Creating a dynamic impression·        
  • Learning how to behave in different social situations
  • Mobile Phone, Email and Social Media Etiquette

At the end of this session the students will be able to face any formal meal or networking session with confidence, given that a lot of  business is transacted over breakfast, lunch or at cocktail parties. People are judged by the way they eat, drink and interact during meals and formal gatherings.



12:30 – 1:30pm




1.30 – 2.00pm


Mission & Purpose: Lifeskills to succeed in your journey

Dr J. C. Mwangi, Managing Director, Sasini Ltd


2.00  – 3:45 pm


Career panels 3


4:00 – 5:00pm


Close of Session, provision of certificates

  • Special Guest – TBA
  • Prof. K. Tirima Dr. J. Weche, Derek Bbanga





Proposed list of Career Panels

Subject to confirmation, ONLY half of these listed options will be available due to limitations of TIME, at the rate of 5 per Careers panel time slot on each of the 3 days

Alphabetical list is subject to change without notice.


1.      Accounting & Finance

2.      Architecture & Interior Design

3.      Arts & Entertainment

4.      Aviation, Piloting, Aeronautical Engineering

5.      Banking 

6.      Biotechnology

7.      Business Administration / Entrepreneurship

8.      Dental surgery

9.      Education & Academia

10.  Engineering

11.  Film Production

12.  Food & Beverage Industry

13.  Forensic Dental Surgery

14.  Hospitality Industry

15.  Human Resource Management

16.  ICT & Technology Innovation

17.  Journalism

18.  Law

19.  Medicine

20.  Modelling

21.  Music & Ministry

22.  Pharmacy

23.  Radio Journalism

24.  Research

25.  Sales, Marketing & Advertising

26.  Security Industry

27.  Social Entrepreneurship

28.  Sports – as a player

29.  Sports Coaching

30.  Sports Marketing

31.  Sports Training

32.  Television Journalism

33.  Veterinary Medicine