Why the UN HQ complex for a Youth Conference?

The UN Gigiri compound occupies a total of 140 acres (56 hectares) and lies adjacent to

the rapidly-disappearing Karura Forest. The compound is quite unique: a remarkable

variety of wildlife can still be observed in the area in spite of the significant environmental

transformations which have taken place in the last decades. It is easy to observe nesting and

migratory bird species such as crown-cranes, plovers, Egyptian geese, crested eagles,

green pigeons, hoopoes, etc., as well as small mammals such as red duikers, squirrels, marsh

mongoose, monkeys and even olive baboons throughout the year. The areas described below

and shown on the map provide an important habitat to the area’s wildlife during the dry

season. If you have a chance, and depending on weather conditions, you might want to visit some special places on the compound:


1. The Seasonal Swamp and the Oxidation Reservoirs: These two areas attract many

water birds. If you approach the area quietly you might be able to see a pair of crested

cranes, a very special sight! This couple of adult cranes return to the compound every

year to breed and rear their new chicks.


2. The Gigiri Nature Trail: Staff and visitors can enjoy walks along the trail and observe over

600 African indigenous trees planted along the path. There is also a seasonal swamp located

at the lower part of the plot where quite often birds can be seen. A list of planted trees, birds

sighted on the compound as well as other information on the establishment of the trail

can be provided upon request. The Gigiri Nature Trail is managed by a group of volunteers

including UNEP staff, some Permanent Missions to UNEP, the Nairobi Chandaria

Foundation as well as numerous individuals.


New recreational facilities are currently under construction in an area adjacent to the trail.

Entrance to the trail until the construction is completed will be through the United Nations



3. The Memorial Garden also called the Garden of Remembrance. This is a special and

peaceful area made into a garden dedicated to commemorate the victims of the 1998 bomb

blast at the United States Embassy in Nairobi.


4. The Gigiri complex houses some 2,000 staff members from UNON, UNEP, UNCHS,


UNIFEM, IMO, UNCAS, UNIASC, UNIC, UNCRD, UNOIOS and United Nations Political Office

for Somalia (UNPOS).


Reference http://www.unon.org/welcome/docs/Welcome_to_Kenya.pdf  accessed on 9th November 2010