Dr. Angela Gichaga*
Dr. Angela Gichaga is a public sector enthusiast with experience in government, NGO’s, academic and research institutions both in Kenya and across the globe. She has served in frontline health service delivery, developed national health policies for the Kenyan government, worked in strategy and implementation in several African countries while managing teams of up to 150+ members, as well as led capability building programmes for her clients. Angela has been humbled to learn from and share her knowledge and skills in Australia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sierra Leone and South Africa.
Angela pursued an undergraduate in Medicine in Kenya, a Masters of Health Economics and Policy in Australia and a Public Management postgraduate qualification in the USA. She is published in peer reviewed platforms.
She was honoured to receive the Australian Leadership Awards for Africa (2012) and the Young African Leadership Initiative, Mandela Washington Fellowship (2014) in recognition of her exemplary leadership within the civil service.
She currently serves as a Public and Social Sector Associate (PSS-A) in McKinsey & Company where she co-developed and initiated the McK Women East Africa All in initiative, running the McK Women Connect activities. Angela was a gender equity panelist at the Africa Women in Leadership Network (A-WILN) strategy meeting during International Women’s Day celebration 2016) whose guest speaker was H.E. Margaret Kenyatta, First Lady of the Republic of Kenya.
She currently mentors female university students and early career future leaders and she would like to dedicate more of her time to women and youth empowerment through mentorship, coaching and increasing their access to economic, social and cultural rights.
Email: g.angelanyambura@gmail.com