Our Process

Advantage 1

Positioning Experts

Advantage 2

Essay Committee

Advantage 3

AKAD Admissions Committee


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We provide a complete package of tailored services for all applicants. Our dedicated, personal consultant will apply the AKAD Method to help you.

We help applicants navigate through the full application process. All consultants are current and former admissions officers and top MBA alumni able to gain firsthand knowledge about admissions from current students and alumni networks.

We review your experiences, skills and future plans to determine how to convey that you are strong in the five dimensions that Admissions Committees care about:

  • Intellect,
  • Skills,
  • Interpersonal,
  • Personal and
  • Drive;

We assist candidates to develop these points into a coherent and convincing argument for admission – your admission case;

We guide and tutor you in writing essays so as to best convey your admission case;

  • Design a resume that captures your most important accomplishments, reinforces your admission case, and meets Admissions Committees preferences for layout;
  • Select recommenders who will most effectively support your admission case;
  • Revise and polish all documents you submit;
  • Prepare for interviews with simulations that will build your interview skills and confidence;

Undergraduate Service Package

Gold Package (Guaranteed Success)

The AKAD Team will guide the student through 10 applications, and guarantee a 100% refund if the student does not receive an offer from at least one of the ten schools.

Step 1: Initial Consultation
After you have submitted your written application, we will provide mock interview practice and feedback to help you prepare for admissions interviews.
Step 2: Positioning Report
The AKAD Team will complete a “Positioning Report” for you. In this detailed report, we will explain the application positioning and strategy in detail. Additionally, we will recommend a list of proposed courses and universities you could apply to.
Step 3: Application Development
Your AKAD consultant will guide you through the applications. He will assist you in the creation of an online account, organize relevant documentation and materials, and put together all the essay questions needed for the various applications.
Step 4: Refining Application Documents
Your AKAD professional consultant will draw up essay writing strategies for each school that you are applying to, and help you through the process of writing and revising them.  Your consultant will also help you complete application forms.
Step 5: Mock Review
Once all the materials are ready, our “AKAD Mock Admission Committee” will review your application materials and provide an evaluation and analysis of the application in its entirety.
Step 6: Interview Practice
After you have submitted your written application, we will provide mock interview practice and feedback to help you prepare for admissions interviews.

Platinum Package (Guaranteed Success)

The AKAD Team will guide the student through 10 applications, and guarantee a 100% refund if the student does not receive an offer from at least one of the ten schools. Under this package, you will be guided through the application process by both the assigned AKAD consultant, as well as a senior ex-admissions officer from an Ivy League University.

Step 1: Initial Consultation
One of AKAD’s professional consultants will conduct a thorough consultation session with you. This session may last for several hours and will discover your strengths, weaknesses, academic interests, positioning and personal statement strategy. We work with you intensively on a personal level, because we want to elicit the most from you to ensure that your college applications reflect who you are fully and accurately.
Step 2: Positioning Report
The AKAD Team, with support from a former Ivy Admissions Officer, will complete a “Positioning Report” for you. In this detailed report, we will explain the application positioning and strategy in detail. Additionally, we will recommend a list of proposed courses and universities you could apply to.
Step 3: Application Development
Your AKAD consultant will guide you through the applications. He will assist you in the creation of an online account, organize relevant documentation and materials, and put together all the essay questions needed for the various applications.
Step 4: Refining Application Documents
Your AKAD professional consultant will draw up essay writing strategies for each school that you are applying to, and, with help from former Ivy Admissions Officers, help you through the process of writing and revising them.  Your consultant will also help you complete application forms
Step 5: Mock Review
Once all the materials are ready, our “AKAD Mock Admission Committee”, composed of our team and former Ivy Admissions Officers will review your application materials and provide an evaluation and analysis of the application in its entirety.
Step 6: Interview Practice
After you have submitted your written application, we will provide mock interview practice and feedback to help you prepare for admissions interviews.


Why we are the best

The Director of College Counseling and our Dream Team position the student, meaning we discover their voice and strengths for the personal statement. Our Director has acquired a unique skill set from over 20 years of experience at a top U.S. boarding school assisting students with their personal statements. He has helped thousands of International students find their voice, and he will successfully discover yours.
Positioning the student for the personal statement is the single most important factor in the application process, especially if the student is applying to highly selective schools (e.g. Ivy League). Helping a student discover his positioning strategy is not a natural skill or a skill that can be acquired without practice and experience. Therefore, there are not many individuals like our Director of College Counseling with the level of insight and ability to help students discover their strengths. Our Director has decades of experience in assisting students from a wide range of academic talents. One of the best boarding schools in America, and more importantly the parents of its students, entrusted our Director to help their children with college applications.


Drafts of the personal statement are sent to our essay committee. Our essay committee is another important advantage of our service, because it comprises former university professors with Ph.D.s in the Humanities. These professors have years of experience as editors of major academic publications in their field. There are not many people that can match our essay committee’s writing ability.
AKAD has recruited former professors with humanities Ph.D.s because of their disciplines’ focus on writing. These are not just smart people; they are highly trained and certified experts in writing. To fix a sick person, you take him to see an M.D.; to fix a sick essay, you take it to see a Ph.D. These former professors are able to ensure that your thoughts and your story are conveyed accurately on paper. After all, having the right idea is only half the battle. The other half is making sure your idea shines through in your personal statement.


The complete draft application is sent to a team comprised of former admissions officers at Ivy League and other elite institutions, led by former Deans of Admissions.
We hired former Deans and officers to accurately reflect a university admissions committee. Deans determine the vision and objectives of the admissions effort at their Universities. Admissions officers are the gatekeepers that determine whether you are accepted or rejected. Our Deans and admissions officers have each read thousands of applications, and from this experience, have can determine whether an application is strong enough to impress a real admissions committee. Our AKAD Admissions Committee ensures that each of our client’s application is ready to be submitted.


Sample timetable for undergraduate preparation for US study


    *  Sit for the SAT I and AP Exams.


    * Sit for the SAT IIs
    (Note:  For many of the most selective colleges, 2 or 3 SAT II exams are required).
    * Start taking notes on possible Personal Statement topics.
    * Start compiling a list of potential colleges you would like to apply to.


    *  Produce the first draft of the personal statement.


    * Continue to revise the personal statement (the personal statement should be close to its final product by this time).
    * Approach teachers for recommendations.


    * Finalize the list of your final 8-10 universities.
    * If possible, visit the universities and meet with representatives from these universities.
    * Retrieve recommendation letters from teachers and complete early decision applications.


    * Sit for SAT I again if necessary.
    * Submit early decision applications (deadlines are usually late October or early November).
    * Retrieve recommendation letters from teachers and complete regular decision applications.


    *   Sit for SAT II exams if necessary.

Jan 1/15, Feb 1:

    *  Deadline for most college regular applications.


    *  Universities will notify students of their acceptance during this period.
    *  Begin deciding on which schools you want to attend.


    * Reply dates for most universities are usually set during this period.
    * Once you choose a university, a deposit will have to be made to secure your spot.