Botswana Mentorship Day - 1


Bonzo Makgalemele, James Ndaba, Christie Weche, Ernest Ochieng, Rev. Dr. Julius Weche

Location: TBA   
Target: Ages 10 - 25 years

Date: TBA

Time: 8:15am to 4:45pm

Call us, Tel: +267 72 735900

Cost: BWP 400 



  • Confidence Building for Success
  • Vision & Knowledge for Success
  • Soft-Skills for Success
  • Academic Success Strategies
  • Admission to top, world class universities
  • Admission to Harvard University (Skype)
  • Negotiation & Role Plays  
  • Why Mentorship?
  • Career Case Studies: Law
Corporate Sponsorship

We acknowledge with thanks, corporate sponsorship by Chibanda Makgalemele & Co. Advocates, in which 10 Botswana youth will competitively be eligible for support in applying for scholarships. Details to follow


           Michael Mutie with Rafiah ALtalei at Al Jazeera - قناة الجزيرة  




7:45am - 8:15am

Late Registration   

*For those not registered online

8:15am -9:00am

Session 1:

Ice Breakers & Teambuilding Activities

9:00am – 9:30am

Session 2:

Introduction to AKAD: Vision & Knowledge for Success

9:30am – 10:00am

Session 3:

Lifeskills: Why Mentoring for Academic & Career Success?

10:00am – 10:30am

Tea Break

10:30am – 11:00am

Session 4:

Soft Skills for Success: Careers & Entrepreneurship in Botswana

11:00am – 11:30am

Session 5:

Academic Success Strategies: Confidence Building

11:30am - 12:30pm

Session 6:

Admission to Top, World Class Universities: 

Harvard University  - (Ernest Ochieng via SKYPE)

12:30pm – 1:30pm


1:30pm – 2:30pm

Session 7:

Negotiation Role Plays: Win-Win Strategies, BATNA, WATNA, ZOPA 

2:30pm – 3:30pm

Session 8:

Soft Skills for Succes: Mediaiton & Arbitration in Youth Leadership

3:30pm – 4:30pm

Session 9:

Career Session: Law

4:30 – 4:45pm

Session 10:  M & E, Q & A


End of Training: Tea & Departure, Certificates

For an insight into our mentorship value addition, kindly refer to the select documents below 

AKAD AFRICA Theory of Change.pdf AKAD AFRICA Theory of Change.pdf
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Type : pdf
Akad Leadership Growth Model.pdf Akad Leadership Growth Model.pdf
Size : 353.886 Kb
Type : pdf
Akad Essay Writing Guidelines v3.pdf Akad Essay Writing Guidelines v3.pdf
Size : 449.265 Kb
Type : pdf

Mentorship Day Student Testimonials 
- June 2017

Christie - mentroship day essay v1 pdf.pdf Christie - mentroship day essay v1 pdf.pdf
Size : 131.749 Kb
Type : pdf
Name_Lennox_Owi(1)[1].pdf Name_Lennox_Owi(1)[1].pdf
Size : 4585.78 Kb
Type : pdf

Guest Speakers

Ernest Ochieng Omondi (Harvard Class 2020 - via SKYPE)

Ernest Ochieng’ Omondi, is a 20-year-old young man from Nairobi, who has spent the past year studying Mechanical Engineering at Harvard University.

He is a member of the world renown Harvard Glee Club, the oldest college chorus in America, and has travelled with them to East Asia performing in concert halls in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. 

He was nominated and chosen as a finalist for the Freshman Dean’s Award, which is awarded to the first-year student who most adheres to the spirit of the freshman deans, one who is devoted to Harvard and actively works to make the first-year experience enriching and rewarding for all classmates.

During his Gap Year mentorship with AKAD in Nairobi, he was a budding writer and blogger and won the Kenya Power Apprentice competition, #PoweringKenya Essay competition. He was then rewarded with KES 50,000 and opportunity to apprentice Dr. Ben Chumo, MD & CEO Kenya Power.

Ernest is an alumnus of the Alliance High School -the best performing high school in Kenya where he sat for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations in 2014 and was among the top students in the country, scoring straight ‘A’s in all his 8 subjects and the maximum possible 84 points.

After completing high school in November 2014, Ernest sought to improve the French he learned in high school while at the same time learning Spanish and German online. He also taught himself the web design languages of XHTML, PHP, MySQL and JavaScript.

His passion for helping his community is evident in his volunteering at PACE (Promoting African Community Education) International, an organization that helps supply volunteer teachers to public primary schools with a shortage of teachers. From May to August, 2015, he taught English and Math, in Class 8 and 4 respectively, at Langata Road Primary School where he volunteered a minimum of 15 hours a week mentoring and guiding the students to achieve both academic success and maximize their potential in all aspects of their lives.

Ernest was recognized by PACE for his efforts and was awarded for portraying leadership and excellence. He also volunteered in running of the newly launched Journalism club in his former primary school, St. Georges Primary School, from May to July, 2015, every Monday afternoon, leading in the first ever publication of the school magazine, ‘The Georgian’.


Christie Weche 

Christie Weche is responsible for Customer Service, Procurement and Quality Control at the AKAD Education Group - Africa. Within the August 2017 holidays, she is exploring Africa and has travelled through Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Botswana - adding to other international travel experiences. She is currently on holiday internship in Law with Chibanda, Makgelemele & Co. Advocates in Gaborone, Botswana

Christie is a form 2 (Grade 10) student at Loreto Convent Valley Road (LCVR) where she is passionate about First Aid and Model United Nations Clubs. She was previously at Bellevue School, where she scored 394 marks in KCPE national examinations; four A’s and one B grade. Her career interests are in Medicine, Psychology and Fashion design.

As a leader, Christie has always been one to think creatively in finding solutions that add value to her community. When she joined Bellevue School in Std. 4, she introduced the creative arts - Music leading to the school’s participation at the finals of the Kenya National Musical Festival at regional and national level. This led to many other activities and discovery of undiscovered talent among her fellow school students, for which she has featured on national TV, KBC.

Through the AKAD Education Group platform, she has shared her leadership story to inspire hundreds of students at schools that include Kenyan national schools; Alliance Girls High School, Limuru Girls and The Kenya High School ( . Here she has shared the stage with leaders such as Professor Ambassador Michael Koech, Professor Elizabeth Maleche-Obimbo, Dr. Vimal Shah and Dr. Wilberforce Wanyanga among others. Seminar events have included Kenya Power (“Mentoring Future Engineers” - and Bidco Africa  (“Mentoring Future Leaders” -  She is consistently motivatied by successful AKAD mentees that have gone before her and been regularly admitted to top, world class academic institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, UPenn universities and others.

Christie has been a Brand Ambassador and coordinator with the Inua Dada campaign of Citizen TV Anchor-Journalist, Janet Mbugua. Here she mobilized classmates and friends speaking on national television about the problems facing the girl child - and managed the auditioning, recording, transportation and production leading to screening of the Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) on Citizen TV. These are available on YouTube at

Christie has a passion for writing and has received several awards by her former school in the writing competitions organized by the English Department. This includes competition essays by the Giraffe Centre. Although she did not win, the experience and practice helped sharpen her skills in essay writing, time management and critical thinking. Her passion for the community has led to her participation with enviromental organization Mazingira Safi Initiative through which she has cleaned streets with assistance from the Nairobi City Council. Christie looks forward to working with the Out of the Streets organization by mobilizing herself and others to donate books which will go to building a library for rehabilitated street kids. Her desire is to join the African Leadership Academy, and proceed on to college at Harvard University.

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